Stephen Wiki

Earthbound Onett - "Onett Jazz" Painting (Full Version)

Earthbound - "Onett Jazz" Painting (Full Version)
Date: April 29th, 2017
Running Time: 34:18

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"Onett Jazz" Time Lapse


"Onett Jazz" is the 30th video game painting by Mal on MalMakes. It features Onett, the starting town in the game.

This painting was inspired by Earthbound, which has played a significant role in Mal's and Stephen's lives. Stephen has done a Let's Play of the game, and they've also played it for Extra Life 2012 and 2013.


  • Canvas: 18x24 Gessoed in white
  • Favorite Brushes: Blick Studio, Liquitex Basic, and Simply Simmons
  • Paint: Golden Heavy Body Acrylic in: Primary Magenta, Primary Yellow, Primary Cyan, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Neutral Grey N5, Titanium White, Mars Blake, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Medium Cadmium Yellow Hue, Pyrrole Orange, Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade), Chromium Oxide Green
  • Specialty Items: chalk pastel, golden high flow carbon black in a molotow paint marker, frog tape

