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The vlog starts out with Stephen filming Kepler grooming Sagan by licking him. Stephen then does some commentary about how Kepler loves Sagan and he's showing Sagan affection because it's Valentine's day. He says that it's like Kepler is telling Sagan "Happy Valentine's Day Brother!" Sagan then walks away from Kepler and Stephen films Kepler and commentates "I will come find you. And I will lick you. And I might bite you because..." He is then interrupted by Sagan sniffing his bowl of blackberries.

Stephen then talks about how almost all of the Breakfast Stream have fallen on all the holidays recently. He said that they had Breakfast Stream this morning and they changed all the bit alerts to be Valentine's Day/love themed. Stephen said that changing the bit alerts makes the day feel more special and it changes it up a little from the normal bit alerts. Stephen also mentions that the internet was working really well this morning.

Stephen then talks about how he and Mallory have been eating a lot of berries like blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. He says that he never really eats blueberries unless it's in a mix of other berries. Stephen says that in the berry kingdom he would rank blueberries as last. Mal then says that the blueberry kingdom is ruled by a very harsh king which is an analogy she uses to describe how she doesn't really prefer eating blueberries either. Stephen says that his favorite type of berries are strawberries and raspberries. He said that he prefers raspberries a little more, but raspberries are either good or bad and there is no in between. Stephen says that the bad raspberries are very tart. On the other hand, he said that even if a strawberry is not the best, they can still taste pretty good. Stephen mentions that he only really has blueberries in a blend or when they are put in something else like a blueberry muffin.

Stephen then talks about how he thought everyone liked strawberries until he met Dan. He mentions how his mom made extra chocolate strawberries and he brought some to Lunch Bunch. Stephen said that everyone was excited about the chocolate strawberries except for Dan who said that he didn't really like strawberries. Stephen says that his mom actually made a special package of chocolate covered strawberries just for Dan and Lindsey. He briefly mentions that he and Mal had dinner with his parents for Valentine's Day. Stephen says that Dan, Lindsey, William, and Roland had a singles awareness party and it doubled as a birthday party for Lindsey's dog Leia who turned 1 years old. Stephen asked everyone at the party to get Dan to eat a strawberry and film it because he wanted to include it in the vlog. He said that the strawberries inside the chocolate were really good strawberries, so it was the perfect version of the fruit and it is covered in chocolate. So, Stephen thought that this was the best way for Dan to try eating a strawberry since he hadn't eaten a strawberry in years.

The video transitions to clip where Dan is saying that he is being forced by everyone at the party into eating a chocolate covered strawberry. Before eating the strawberry, Dan thanks Debra for the strawberries. Dan eats the strawberry and doesn't like it, so it just starts eating the chocolate surrounding the strawberry.

The video then returns to Stephen. He talks about how he also thought everyone liked ketchup, but Dan doesn't like ketchup either. Stephen jokingly says that maybe Dan just doesn't like foods that are commonly loved by other people. Then, Stephen says to the viewers that he wants to know who else doesn't like strawberries. He also said to the viewers to comment down below any foods that your entire family likes, but you don't like. He then says that his palate has changed a lot especially over the past 10 years. Stephen said that he used to be a picky eater and then one day everything changed. He says that every few years he will retry foods that he disliked before in order to see if he will like it. Stephen mentions that Mal used to not like mushrooms. Mal added on that she also used to dislike mustard. But, she has come to like both of these foods.

Kit Kat Flavor Tried: Otona no Amasa Matcha Kit Kat

Stephen says the Kit Kat smells nice. Mal then lets Sagan sniff the Otona no Amasa Matcha Kit Kat. Stephen says that it is very sweet compared to the Itohkyuemon Uji Matcha Kit Kat they had previously. He also said that it has a very light matcha flavor compared to some other matcha which have a heavy flavor
