Stephen Wiki

My Cat Is Under A Blanket (Day 283 - 9 3 10)

Date: September 3rd, 2010
Running Time: 2:48

Previous Vlog (Day 282) | Next Vlog (Day 284)



  • Steve & Debra's House


Stephen begins the vlog noting that he hasn't really done much that day. He talks about some matches of Magic: the Gathering he played with 11 people, taking 2nd place overall. Then he shows Rocko who is under a blanket, noting this as the only reason he vlogged that day. He then talks about how Justin will be coming later and he will be teaching him how to play Magic: the Gathering. The rest of vlog shows 5 decks Stephen built for teaching new players, and he talks a bit about them and Magic: the Gathering in general.
