Stephen Wiki

Skyrim Dies Today (Day 1639 - 5 21 14)

Skyrim Dies Today (Day 1639 - 5/21/14)
Date: May 21st, 2014
Running Time: 12:34

Previous Vlog (Day 1638) | Next Vlog (Day 1640)



  • Stephen's car
  • A restaurant drive-thru
  • Vereen Memorial Historical Gardens
  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Today Stephen records the final episode of Skyrim. He recorded for six straight hours, which means that he hasn't eaten at all today. He picks up some food at a drive-thru, then heads to Vereen Memorial Historical Gardens to film the ending credits shot of the Skyrim LP.

For dinner, Mal makes some Chicken Parm Casserole with some veggies from their garden. Stephen spends the rest of the evening (and much of the next morning) editing the finale.
