Stephen Wiki
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Stephen Georg (wedding day photo)

Welcome to Stephen Wiki!

Stephen Georg started vlogging on YouTube in 2009. Since then, he continued to record every day of his life and share them with the world, and has now documented his life for over 5,000 days on StephenVlog. On January of 2025, Stephen decided to stop releasing daily vlogs and now StephenVlog is a channel where Stephen occasionally uploads vlogs whenever he feels there is something notable to vlog about instead of every day.

In 2011, he also started a Let's Play channel called StephenPlays, releasing daily videos of him (and sometimes his wife, Mallory) playing video games. It has since evolved into his career, and he has released over a 100 different Let's Plays series over the past 10 years.

In 2021, Stephen started a channel called StephenVOD where he releases VODs of previous Twitch streams.

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Notable Pages

2024 Vlogs
More Vlogs
Kit-Kat Challenge
Q&A Shorts
Fan Favorites
Sagan and Kepler

All Let's Plays
Doom (1993)
Crow Country
Stephen & Friends
2025 Stream Highlight Videos
StephenPlays Shorts
Memorable Moments
Stream Moments

Other Works
MalMakes VODs
Film reviews on Letterboxd

Stephen's Patreon Page
Mal's Patreon Page
MalMakes RedBubble Store
Steve's Etsy Store

Past Projects

Latest activity

YouTube Wikis

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

The Amazing Marble Race

Angry Grandpa

Angry Video Game NerdAnimator vs. AnimationAnnoying OrangeAphmauAsdfmovieAwkward PuppetsBaby Lamb & FriendsBattle for Dream IslandBB Ki VinesBoot-UpBridger5BT21Captain SparklezCabiiCarmen KingCartoon BeatboxChannel FrederatorClare SiobhanCoryxKenshinThe CubeDanTDMDavemadsonDesmond DennisDixie D’AmelioDude PerfectEddsworldEdgy OobiEpic Rap Battle ParodiesEpic Rap Battles of HistoryFine BrosFred FigglehornFried Chili Cheese DogsFoil Arms and HogThe Game TheoristsGliderGreatest Freakout EverHermitcraftHobbyKids AdventuresHow It Should Have EndediHasCupquakeIloveRumaniaInanimate InsanityJackSepticEyeJaiden AnimationsJan Jan Erico CartoonsJazzyMewFanJoeysWorldTourKelseyDangerousKPoppKnights of the multiverseKushowaLDShadowLadyLet Me Explain StudiosLilsimsieLittle Einsteins RebootMarioMario54321MarkiplierMcJuggerNuggetsMeta RunnerMiss Madson Entertainment Inc.MistylyneMLG ParodyMrBeastMultiCoolmoviesMVPerryNewScapeProNigaHigaOnyxking67OverSimplifiedPamtriPencilmationPewDiePiePopToonsTVRayWilliamJohnsonRhett & LinkRooster TeethSakuraStarlightsScarceSchaffrillas ProductionsScott the WozSeducktiveSMG4SMLSMLYTPSmoshSomeThingElseYTSonicWhacker55SpongeBob SquarePants SSqaishey QuackStacyPlaysStampylongheadStarman3Stephen GeorgSuperJeffyJhacirTeam CraftedThe CreaturesTitototterTomSkaTroye SivanThe FamousonsUnspeakableVanossVat19Vester&FriendsWassabi ProductionsWikitubiaYogscastYou'll Know What to Name itYouTube OriginalsZiraxiaZombieGrass
